Are you ready to ditch the hustle and create a gentle & fulfilling life you actually love? I currently have a few openings for 1:1 coaching this fall. Together, we can work to simplify the holiday season and create the cozy life you’ve been craving.
Hey there friend,
The holiday season is upon us, and let’s be real—it’s a lot. Between the shopping, cooking, decorating, and juggling all the commitments, it’s easy to feel like you’re running on empty.
And when your days are packed with endless to-dos, self-care can feel like a luxury you can’t afford.
But here’s the truth: self-care isn’t a luxury—it’s a necessity.
You can’t pour from an empty cup (I know, that saying is super cliche, but it’s true!), and during a season that’s all about giving, you deserve to give a little bit back to yourself.
And the good news? Self-care doesn’t have to mean spa days or big chunks of “me time” (though if you can swing that, then go for it!)
It can totally be woven into your everyday life—even during the busiest weeks of the year.
This weekend, my version of self-care looked like slowing down with my family.
We puzzled together on the living room coffee table, baked cookies (imperfect ones that still tasted amazing), put up and decorated the Christmas tree, and cozied up for a movie by the fire.
And our delicious vegetable soup bubbled away on the stove while we lingered at the table, just talking and being together.
It wasn’t fancy, extravagant, or even Instagram-worthy, but it filled me up in a way that a packed schedule never could.
So, how can you prioritize self-care this holiday season?
Here are a few ideas to help you make space for what truly fills you up:
Schedule it in
You wouldn’t miss a doctor’s appointment or a school event, right? Treat self-care the same way. Block out time on your calendar—even if it’s just 10-15 minutes—and protect it. Whether it’s a quiet cup of coffee in the morning, a walk around the block, or a few minutes to breathe and reset, make it non-negotiable.Say no to what doesn’t serve you
This time of year comes with a lot of “shoulds.” Should we attend every event? Should we host the party? Should we say yes to another Secret Santa? The answer is: only if it feels right for you. Trust your intuition and let go of the guilt around saying no. Every “no” to something that drains you is a “yes” to your peace and well-being.Simplify your days
Not every holiday moment needs to be Instagram-worthy. Maybe you skip the elaborate meal and make a simple, cozy soup instead. Maybe you decorate just one room instead of the whole house. Give yourself permission to scale back.Embrace the small joys
Self-care can be as simple as lighting a favorite candle, playing your favorite holiday music, or sitting by the tree for a few quiet moments. Sometimes, the smallest things bring the most comfort.Connect with what matters most
For me, self-care often looks like connection—whether it’s puzzling with the kids, baking messy cookies, or having a no-phones family dinner. It’s about slowing down enough to soak in the moments that make the holidays special.
Let’s redefine self-care
Remember, self-care doesn’t have to be “one more thing” you add to your list. It can be as simple as choosing rest over rushing, presence over perfection, and joy over obligation.
So this holiday season, I’m inviting you to give yourself the gift of slowing down, even if it’s just for a few moments each day. You deserve it.
What’s one small way you can prioritize yourself this week? I’d love to hear what self-care looks like for you right now.
P.S. I put together a free Simplifying the Holidays checklist to help you get started on this journey to a calmer, happier holiday. Download it here. Let’s make this season a memorable one—in all the best ways.
P.P.S. I just uploaded a video to my YouTube channel sharing the upcoming changes, plus I answered some questions from you! Check it out here.
P.P.P.S. Whenever you're ready, here are 3 ways I can support you:
I’d love to connect with you over on Instagram, where I share tips for living a slower, more intentional life, as well as homeschooling with more ease. You’ll find little behind-the-scenes glimpses of my own journey—mindset shifts, simplifying routines, and what intentional living really looks like. Drop by and say hi anytime!
If you’re feeling ready to dive into mindful living or need some guidance with homeschooling, I offer 1:1 mini-sessions to help you get started.
Mindful Living: Choose between a 30-minute or 1-hour session where we’ll focus on finding ease in your day, reclaiming time for yourself, and creating a life aligned with your values.
Homeschool Mentoring: In a 1-hour session, we can work through any homeschooling challenges you’re facing, from setting up routines to creating a calm, supportive learning environment for your family.
For those ready to make a lasting change, I offer a 12-week personalized coaching package in mindful living. Over these 3 months, we’ll dive deep into creating a life that feels true to you—focusing on what truly matters and building routines that bring more harmony and ease to your days. I’m here to guide you every step of the way as you find a rhythm that genuinely supports you and your family.
Ready to take the next step? Apply to work with me, and let’s begin this journey together toward a more intentional, fulfilling life.
Here's What My Clients Are Saying:
When in session with Xuan, I could feel her calming and centering energy even through a computer screen. She has such a gentle yet commanding presence that made me feel safe and confident. Xuan made me feel very seen, heard, and like no topic was off limits. Even if it was something I really didn’t want to admit out loud, she held the space with ease and allowed me to feel brave enough to express myself without feeling judged. - Chelsea L.